Boat Rental Insurance Made Easy

Offer boat rental insurance on a per-trip basis with 1 click on Stellar

Insurance powered by

How it works

Step 1: Sign up for Buoy

Create an account and register your boat(s). You can get started on your own or schedule a demo with one of our specialists. Depending on your fleet size, it shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes!

Step 2: Enable Buoy from Stellar

Soon, you'll be able to toggle on Buoy directly from your dashboard on Stellar. In just 1 click, renters will have the option to purchase insurance at checkout.

Step 3: Enjoy the water

That's it! You can now enjoy peace of mind knowing that you and your renters are protected during your charters.

Why now?

New Florida Law

Boat rental companies are now legally mandated to provide renters with the option to purchase liability insurance.

The new law is called SB606 and requires livery operators to obtain a permit from the FWC. To get the permit, operators must have the right insurance in place. Stellar and Buoy have teamed up to make it fast and easy for operators to get compliant.

Got questions? We have answers.

You can expect to hear back from us within 1 business day!

Contact Buoy